2016 Classroom Reveal – Middle School Spanish


Students are grouped in pods of four in the front and pods of three in the back, six total tables.



Each table has a basket with supplies: glue sticks, scissors, colored pencils, pens, and markers, for completing their interactive notebooks throughout the class.



Giant Scrabble Board! Students can play Spanish vocabulary words on the Scrabble board for part of their homework grade. I have found that the students love this one the most.



Scrabble Board with Spanish Vocabulary



Country Wall. Each week we have a featured Spanish-speaking country that we study. This wall is a fun way to feature the countries as well as keep them on the front of students’ minds. It is also great for geography practice!



Word Wall and Bookshelf. The word wall features major vocabulary that we have covered throughout the class thus far and makes it quick for students to recover vocabulary when they need to use the words for homework or practice writing sentences. The bookshelf features games that we use in class for practice as well as children’s book written in Spanish to enhance vocabulary.



A more grown-up and stylistic way of displaying classroom rules and group work roles.



Teacher’s Desk. The table behind adds much needed work space and helps keep my desk clean. I also found that window treatments go a long way in making a classroom much more inviting!



Organizing student interactive notebooks! Allowing them to keep them in class allows me to do some grading in segments as well as keeps them from forgetting to bring them to class!


  • Kristi says:

    How did you make your country of study wall? Did you get the countries printed somewhere? I can never find files large enough that don’t get fuzzy when blown up. Thanks!

    • I actually went to this website: http://www.yourchildlearns.com/megamaps.htm and printed off the large map (which is several sheets of printer paper carefully taped together) then printed it out a second time and this time cut out each country (if you print out the individual countries they won’t be the correct size to fit perfectly to the large map). Once I made the large one I laminated it. With the other copy, I used the individual countries I had printed out as stencils to cut them out in colorful cardstock, then I laminated these and used Velcro dots to stick them to their respective places. I made one set of countries in a colorful cardstock and a second set in navy for my purposes. This way the country we were highlighting that week could be colorful and the previously learned countries were turned to navy to help students see their progress and remind them of previous lessons. Hope this helps!

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