Category Archives: Uncategorized

Interactive Journals, Part Two: Sections Explained

So if you read the previous post you know that I have been using Interactive Journals in my middle school Spanish classroom this year and have absolutely loved the experience! I am excited to get to share it with you now and hear from any of you who have also had experiences with these journals […]

Interactive Journals, Part One: Set Up

I am thrilled to get to share my experience with interactive journals in the Spanish classroom – they have worked incredibly and I will definitely be using them again next year! These particular ones are set up for middle school or higher but they could easily be adapted to elementary level and to different subject […]

For Starters…

A great teacher once told me that if you truly love the children who come into your classroom and truly desire to see them succeed then everything will fall into place. I believe this to be true. The teacher who truly loves the children placed in her classroom will go to whatever lengths necessary to be […]